Family Histories on the Night of Museums, 23 June 2018
Four members of the research group give lectures during the night!
Topics: the stepfamilies of the 17th century Transylvanian princely family, the Apaffys, as portrayed on their tomb (Dóra Mérai); the two families of the widow, Júlia Szendrey of the national hero and poet Sándor Petőfi through family ego-doccuments (Emese Gyimesi), the child portraits of the aristocratic Máriássy family (Anna Tüskés), an iconic marriage in 1908 between a Hungarian count and the daughter of an American millionaire (Angelika Orgona), István Széchenyi, the „greatest of all Hungarians” acting as stepfather of 17 children (Zoltán Fónagy)
Venue: Hungarian National Museum and Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.